Friday, November 19, 2010

Survey: WoW versus Kay Ganda

"Wow Philippines" has been the country's slogan for quite a long time now and many agrees that the slogan is better enough to compete alongside neighboring Asian countries like "Malaysia: Truly Asia", "Incredible India", "Amazing Thailand", "Uniquely SIngapore" and so on. With the new "Pilipinas Kay Ganda" branding by the Philippine Tourism lead by Secretary Alberto Lim, many of us are wondering why do we need to change our country's slogan. Why fix it when it is not broken?
According to the media interviews of Sec. Lim, the new slogan appeals to the foreigners, specifically to Americans and Koreans (I think they're the top foreign visitors of our country) and as long as DOT receives positive feedbacks from the foreign visitors, the new slogan will remain (or maybe until Campaigns & Grey comes up with a better slogan).

For this matter, I wanted to ask your opinions, what do you think of these two slogans and which one appeals most to you? Please feel free to leave a comment.

1) WoW Philippines

2) Pilipinas Kay Ganda

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